April 23, 2019
Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare’s Mental Health First Aid Prepares Portlanders to Provide Mental Health Support
PORTLAND, OR – Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare is offering Mental Health First Aid trainings to the Portland community during May for Mental Health Awareness Month.
“Just like traditional first aid, such as CPR, prepares you to give help for physical health issues, Mental Health First Aid equips you to respond in a compassionate and meaningful manner when someone needs mental health support,” said Dr. Jeffrey Eisen, Cascadia’s Chief Medical Officer.
The daylong course teaches attendees how to identify the signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in adults, provide initial support to those who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem, and connect them with resources or appropriate care. Separate trainings are offered for adults who interact with youth ages 12 to 18.
Sessions held Fridays in May
Cascadia’s Adult Mental Health First Aid trainings will be held Friday, May 3 and Friday, May 17; Youth Mental Health First Aid trainings are Friday, May 10 and Friday, May 31. All trainings are held at our Garlington Health Center from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Each session costs $20, with lunch provided.
The training is nonclinical and no previous experience in the mental health field is required. To register or for more information, visit our Events page.
Over 400 attendees this past year
Since January 2018, Cascadia has trained over 400 community members in Mental Health First Aid. The nonprofit has partnered with Portland State University, Human Solutions, Impact NW and other organizations to train employees, students, and staff.
“Mental Health First Aid gives people in our community a new perspective into issues of mental health. It’s a great tool to destigmatize mental illness and improve healthcare access,” said Dr. Eisen.
Cascadia is committed to raising awareness of mental health, breaking the stigma surrounding mental illness and teaching the community how to help those in crisis as part of the organization’s goal to provide whole health care for all.
[Photo below of Portland-based employer Worksystems, Inc., who participated in Mental Health First Aid Training with Cascadia in 2018.]