September 6, 2023
Team Cascadia Takes on the Mother of All Relays, Hood to Coast
On August 25 and 26, a team of Cascadians took part in the world-famous Hood to Coast relay, which took the runners on an arduous course from Mt. Hood to the Oregon Coast.
Team Cascadia has made it a tradition to take part in the race, and this year was no different.
Congrats to the Cascadians on this year’s team!
- Allison Brenner
- Amanda Barr
- Amy Driscoll
- Bekah Potts
- Brooke Marston
- Jeremy Lankenau
- Kai Flugel
- Miles Craig
- Rica Wiebe
- RoShaan Rogers
And MANY thanks to our drivers and volunteers – Hood to Coast is a huge team effort and we couldn’t do it without you!
To learn more about Hood to Coast visit: The Providence Hood to Coast Relay