Cascadia’s Senior Director of Peer Wellness Services, Meghan Caughey, opens up about her career choice and recovery with schizophrenia.
Excerpt from the Lund Report:
“Meghan Caughey was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 19. Now, after years of working with her illness, she stands out as an instigator of change in mental healthcare services across Oregon.
Not only is Caughey the senior director of peer wellness services at Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare, but since 2006 she’s dedicated her life to improving peer wellness programs by creating community-based programs that help people function with mental health diagnoses and recover from homelessness and drug and alcohol addictions.
For most of her life, Caughey was unable to work a full-time job, and was always the one receiving mental health services. However, when she turned 50 she realized she’d been living with schizophrenia long enough to seek a more permanent position and return the favor…
‘Too many people see these issues as a disability, but Cascadia sees it as a connection and a source of hope. We want everyone to have a full life in the community.’ That, for Caughey, represents growth.”