A list of resources for free or low-cost legal assistance in the Portland metro area.
Family Law (divorce, child custody, etc.)
- Central Courthouse: 1200 SW 1st Room 02307, (971) 236-8670, mul.lrc@ojd.state.or.us
- Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, & Fri 8:30 am-12:00 pm and 1:00 pm-4:00 pm
- Wed 8:30 am-12:00 pm and 1:00 pm-3:00 pm (please confirm the hours before you go in person and call/email to schedule an appointment; some walk-in meetings available)
- Legal Aid Services of Oregon, (503) 224-4086
- Intake is only by phone and they do not take walk-in appointments. Intake Hours for New Callers:
- Monday-Thursday: 9am – 11:50am; 1pm – 3:50 pm Friday: 9AM-11:50am; 1pm-2:30pm
- The Commons Law Center, (503) 850-0811
- Andrew Legal Clinic, (503) 281-1500
- MPD Community, (503) 225-9100
Disability-Related (can help address many legal issues that are connected to a disability)
- Disability Rights Oregon, (503) 243-2081
- Legal Aid Services of Oregon, (503) 224-4086
- Catholic Charities Immigration Legal Services, (503) 542-2855
- Immigration Counseling Services, (503) 221-1689
- SOAR, (503) 384-2482
- Legal Aid Services of Oregon, (503) 224-4086
- MPD Community Law, (503) 225-9100
- CLEAR Clinic, (971) 722-5258
- Other Immigration Community Resources
Government Benefits Issues (TANF, GA, SSI, etc.)
- Legal Aid Services of Oregon Statewide Public Benefits Hotline, (800) 520-5292
- MPD Community Law, (503) 225-9100
Housing Issues (eviction, issues with landlord/apartment maintenance, etc.)
- Central Courthouse: 1200 SW 1st Room 02307 (please check the hours before you go in person), (971) 236-8670 mul.lrc@ojd.state.or.us
- Legal Aid Services of Oregon, (503) 224-4086
- The Commons Law Center, (503) 850-0811
- Community Alliance of Tenants- Renter’s Rights Hotline, (503) 288-0130
- MPD Community Law, (503) 225-9100
- Oregon Law Center, (503) 295-2760
Estate/Probate Issues
- The Commons Law Center, (503) 850-0811
- CLEAR Clinic, (971) 722-5258
- MPD Community Law, (503) 225-9100
- Clackamas Service Center, (503) 224-4086
Domestic Violence Survivor Support
Immediate Crisis Services:
- Call to Safety, (503)235-5333 Call to Safety – Connect to Services
- El Programa Hispano Proyecto UNICA, (503)232-4448
Restraining Order Support:
- Volunteer of America Oregon Home Free Restraining Order Hotline, (503)802-0506
- The Gateway Center, (503)988-6400
Employment Issues (unpaid wages, unpaid overtime, etc.)
- Northwest Workers Justice Project, (503) 525-8454
- Bureau of Labor and Industry, (971) 673-0764
- Oregon Law Center, (503) 295-2760
Crime Victim Assistance
- Oregon Crime Victims Law Center, (503) 208-8160, info@ocvlc@.org
- Trafficking Law Center (assists survivors of human trafficking), (503) 308-1268
- Victim Rights Law Center (assists survivors of sexual violence), (503) 274-5477 x6
Small Claims Issues
- Central Courthouse: 1200 SW 1st Room 02307 (please check the hours before you go in person), (971) 236-8670 mul.lrc@ojd.state.or.us
Senior Law (elder abuse, long term care facility issues, Medicaid/Medicare, etc.)
- Legal Aid Services of Oregon, (503) 224-4086
- HELPS, debt collection relief, (855) 435-7787
Gender Marker/Name Changes
- CLEAR Clinic, (971) 722-5258
- Information on making the changes yourself and other resources:
Need help for something not listed, or the listed options didn’t work for you? Try the Oregon state bar referral line, (503) 684-3763.